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Dream Drapes Commercial Program

Whether you’re a member of the trade (designers and installers) or commercial customers (hospitality or other commercial spaces), we have a custom drapes program established just for you! You will receive top-notch customer service from our dedicated team of design professionals along with additional discounts off our already guaranteed lowest prices.

As a member of the Dream Drape’s Commercial Program, you can purchase high quality lined and interlined silk, linen and printed cotton draperies and fabric shades at wholesale prices. Gain access to thousands of high end designer fabrics such as Kravet and Robert Allen as well as expanded selections of our own lines of quality silk, linen or printed cotton fabrics.  Our US-based workroom has significant experience fabricating drapes for all sizes of commercial spaces, and even manufacturers drapes for the top designer showrooms in New York. Make your project stand out in the crowd at a price that just can’t be beat.


Program Highlights:

  • Dedicated highly trained Dream Drapes design team assigned specifically to your account that you can call or email at any time for guidance and consultation when needed.
  • One stop wholesale source for high quality lined and interlined silk, linen and printed cotton draperies and fabric shades.
  • Access to thousands of designer fabrics such as Kravet and Robert Allen as well as an expanded selection of our quality lines of silks, linens and printed cottons.
  • We accept Customers’ Own Material (including trim and bandings) for any order. Just give us a call and we will tell you the amount of fabric or other material that will be needed for your project.
  • Looking for exclusive flame retardant fabric for your space? You provide the fabric design and Dream Drapes can do the rest!
  • Contact us for details on the discounts available as part of our Commercial Program.

Give us a call and become a member of the Dream Drapes Commercial Program today. The Dream Drapes design team would love to discuss your project with you! Give us a call at 860-951-8110.


Fabric Swatch Selector

Choose from hundreds of colors and patterns of silk dupioini, taffeta, linen, and printed fabrics

Click here to Start