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Customers Own Material Program

If we don't have the fabric you are looking for, you can provide your own fabric to us. We will be happy to help you create beautiful drapes for your home. You can have the best of both worlds, custom drapes with the fabric you love! 

When selecting your fabric please consider the following guidelines. This will help to ensure the quality of the finished product.

  • All fabric must be continuous yardage, we can not accept multiple pieces of fabric.
  • All stripes will be arranged vertically, unless you specifically request horizontal striping.
  • Please inspect your fabric for flaws or imperfections before sending it to us. You are responsible for providing fabric   that is free from stains, flaws or other imperfections. We will make your drapes with the fabric provided. 
  • Please measure carefully. If enough fabric is not sent, your order will be delayed. .
  • Please send all fabric on a roll, not folded.
  • All fabric must be 54 inches wide. If fabric is a different width, contact us for a custom quote.
  • Your fabric should be drapery quality fabric.


Fabric Swatch Selector

Choose from hundreds of colors and patterns of silk dupioini, taffeta, linen, and printed fabrics

Click here to Start